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Our Partners & Friends
In additional to the material and pro bono support from our membership and various professional advisors, the NHCS is deeply grateful to all its technical and financial partners in St Kitts & Nevis and beyond.

Links to reports, publications , videos and other information on archaeology in Nevis
Archaeology resources
Barbados Museum & Historical Society
The Barbados Museum & Historical Society the foremost authority on the historical record of Barbados, as well as an educator and a champion of the cultural heritage of the island. It is a regional leader in museum exhibition development, educational programming, research and conservation.
Hamilton College
Hamilton College is a private liberal arts college in the Clinton, New York, area. It was established as the Hamilton-Oneida Academy in 1793 and received its charter as Hamilton College in 1812, in honor of Alexander Hamilton, one of its inaugural trustees, following a proposal made after his death in 1804.
The Small Islands Organisation (SMILO) supports small islands of less than 150 km² in their sustainable development and management of their resources. It supports the integrated management of island territories in the areas of water & sanitation, waste, energy, biodiversity, landscapes and heritage.
Borthwick Institute for archives, University of York
The Institute's mission is to support and expand the University of York's cultural endeavour and contribute to human understanding through collecting archives, rare books and artworks; preserving them; and making them widely available for research to all people, now and in the future.
museums association of the caribbean
MAC is a network that aids museums and cultural organisations across the Caribbean to share and benefit from their common skills and experiences: helping to develop standards and best practice, exchanging information and ideas, and connecting organizations internationally.
UNESCO national commission for st kitts and nevis
The St. Kitts and Nevis National Commission for UNESCO was established in 1991 as an agency of the Ministry of Education and Information. It is charged with the responsibility of placing global issues relevant to national development and international cooperation on the national agenda.
nevis heritage project
This University of Southampton project aims to investigate the prehistoric and historic physical and social landscapes of Nevis, train undergraduate and postgraduate students, and involve Nevisian schoolchildren, teachers, citizens and visitors in exploring the heritage of Nevis.