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The U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP)  supports the preservation of historic buildings, archaeological sites, museum collections, and traditional cultural expressions.  

Our Partners & Friends

In additional to the material and pro bono support from our membership and various professional advisors, the NHCS is deeply grateful to all its technical and financial partners in St Kitts & Nevis and beyond.


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Tools for researching Nevis genealogy



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Alexander Hamilton Awareness Society

The Alexander Hamilton Awareness (AHA) Society is a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating about Alexander Hamilton’s life and legacy. Founded in 2011, AHA's initiatives aim to inspire interest in learning about Hamilton and the Founding Era.


Barbados Museum & Historical Society

The Barbados Museum & Historical Society the foremost authority on the historical record of Barbados, as well as an educator and a champion of the cultural heritage of the island. It is a regional leader in museum exhibition development, educational programming, research and conservation.

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Cultures of Resistance

The Cultures of Resistance Network aims to promote and support organizations, activists, and artists who seek a more peaceful, just, and democratic world. The Cultures of Resistance Awards support creative activism, artistic expression, and other socially minded endeavours.

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Hamilton College

Hamilton College is a private liberal arts college in the Clinton, New York, area. It was established as the Hamilton-Oneida Academy in 1793 and received its charter as Hamilton College in 1812, in honor of Alexander Hamilton, one of its inaugural trustees, following a proposal made after his death in 1804.



The International Association for Caribbean Archaeology (IACA-AIAC) is a group of professional and amateur archaeologists and interested individuals from the Caribbean and overseas who work, or have an interest, in the archaeology of the Caribbean.



The International National Trusts Organisation (INTO) brings a network of over 100 members together to share knowledge and tools for the protection of cultural and natural heritage.


NIA Ministry of Tourism

The Nevis Island Administration (NIA)'s Ministry of Tourism manages and develops the tourism industry on the island, undertaking research, documentation, education, awareness and development – especially as relates to heritage sites.



The Small Islands Organisation (SMILO) supports small islands of less than 150 km² in their sustainable development and management of their resources. It supports the integrated management of island territories in the areas of water & sanitation, waste, energy, biodiversity, landscapes and heritage.

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St Christopher National Trust (SCNT)

The St. Christopher National Trust and National Museum preserve and promote the natural, historical, ecological and cultural heritage of the island of St. Kitts.



The GEF Small Grants Programme (SGP) provides financial and technical support to projects that conserve and restore the environment while enhancing people's well-being and livelihoods.


US Embassy Bridgetown

Serving Barbados, Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, the embassy facilitates Public Diplomacy Small Grants and applications to the US Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation.


1805 Club

As a charity registered in England and Wales, the 1805 Club has a programme of commemorative initiatives, publications, research and education about the world’s sailing navies of the Georgian period (1714-1837).

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Blue Conscience

Blue Conscience is a non-profit that works closely with local communities and authorities in St Kitts and Nevis to bring awareness and sustainable solutions through society empowerment and scientific decision-making.


Ocean Conservancy

Ocean Conservancy is a non-profit that works to protect the ocean from today’s greatest global challenges. It lends technical and financial support to International Coastal Cleanups and Earth Day cleanups.


Borthwick Institute for archives, University of York

The Institute's mission is to support and expand the University of York's cultural endeavour and contribute to human understanding through collecting archives, rare books and artworks; preserving them; and making them widely available for research to all people, now and in the future.

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BNY Mellon

Aligning with The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation's role in powering success across the financial world for individuals and institutions, BNY Mellon focuses corporate giving on empowering communities in order to give everyone an opportunity to thrive.


NIA Premier's ministry

The Nevis Island Administration (NIA) is the devolved government of the island of Nevis within the Federation of St Kitts and Nevis. The Office of the Premier has additional responsibility for various departments.


museums association of the caribbean

MAC is a network that aids museums and cultural organisations across the Caribbean to share and benefit from their common skills and experiences: helping to develop standards and best practice, exchanging information and ideas, and connecting organizations internationally.



The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN) with the aim of promoting world peace and security through international cooperation in education, arts, sciences and culture.


UNESCO national commission for st kitts and nevis

The St. Kitts and Nevis National Commission for UNESCO was established in 1991 as an agency of the Ministry of Education and Information. It is charged with the responsibility of placing global issues relevant to national development and international cooperation on the national agenda.

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USDA Forest Service-NiCaR

The NICaR (Natural Infrastructure for Caribbean Resilience) program is a US Forest Service initiative that helps Caribbean countries address environmental challenges.


Nevis tourism authority

The Nevis Tourism Authority (NTA) was established in 2001 as a statutory body to promote the sustainable development of the tourism sector by diversifying tourism products to meet the needs of a wide diaspora of visitors.

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nevis heritage project

This University of Southampton project aims to investigate the prehistoric and historic physical and social landscapes of Nevis, train undergraduate and postgraduate students, and involve Nevisian schoolchildren, teachers, citizens and visitors in exploring the heritage of Nevis.

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