history resources
These resources are by no means an exhaustive list of scholarly works on Nevis' history, and is but a sampling of resources, many written by NHCS members and University of Bristol historians Christine Eickelmann and David Small. Copies of many of their reports can also be found in the Nevis Island Archives, and/or University of Bristol Library Special Collections.
Mountravers Plantation (Pinney's Estate), Nevis, West Indies
'Hamilton House', Charlestown, Nevis - Is it connected with Alexander Hamilton's family? (Small and Eickelmann v.3 2024)
The Bath House Hotel, Charlestown (Eickelmann 2017, partially revised 2021 and 2023)
Bush Hill Estate, St John Figtree, Nevis (Small and Eickelmann 2007)
A History of Clarke's Estate, Nevis (Small and Eickelmann 2022-2024)
Clifton Estate, Nevis: an Account of Absence and Ambition (Small and Eickelmann 2016)
'Hamilton House', Charlestown, Nevis - Is it connected with Alexander Hamilton's family? (Small and Eickelmann 2024)
The Courthouse, Charlestown, Nevis (Eickelmann and Small 2017, revised 2024)
Dasent’s Estate, Nevis, West Indies: Enslavement and Compensation (Eickelmann and Small 2023)
Stationary Steam Engines on Sugar Plantations in the Caribbean: Nevis 1816-1846 (Small revised 2021)
A Nevis ‘Legend’ Revisited: the Huggins-Maynard Duel of 1822 (Small and Eickelmann 2004, revised 2016 and 2024)
The Pinney Family Servants: Who were they? (Small and Eickelmann 2019)
'Pero. The Life of a Slave in Eighteenth-Century Bristol' (Eickelmann and Small 2004)
'Within the same household: Fanny Coker' (Eickelmann 2020 in Britain's Black Past)
Global Culture, Island Identity: Continuity and change in the Afro-Caribbean community of Nevis (Olwig 1993)
Swords, Ships and Sugar. History of Nevis (Hubbard 2002)
The Natural History of the Island of Nevis (Robinson and Lowery 2000)
A natural history of Nevis, and the rest of the English Leeward islands in America (1745)